Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team

9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 436A
Argonne, IL 60439
Main Office:    630-252-0222
Help Email:

Cancellation Policy

LS-CAT makes an effort when scheduling to have your beamtime coincide with times that you can use. Once the schedule has been committed LS-CAT will not cancel your beamtime unless, due to reasons outside of our control, it becomes impossible to provide it.

If you must cancel your beamtime, for any reason, these are the consequences:

  1. If you give at least 10 business days notice LS-CAT will make an effort to find someone else to use your time.
    • General Users may reschedule any available slot during the current run or submit a new beamtime request for a subsequent run.
    • Members may reschedule any available slot during the current or subsequent run.
    • Associate CAT Members are not responsible for the time and may reschedule.

  2. If you give fewer than 10 business days notice we treat this as though you have used the time.

We recognize that in spite of your best efforts, your crystals just may not be ready in time. Please let us know as soon as you can even if there are fewer than 10 business days until your beamtime. The more lead time we have the greater advantage we can make of the situation. It is far better to cancel your beamtime at the last minute then to force LS-CAT to declare the beamtime abandoned.

Abandoned Beamtime

If the Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) has not been submited at least 5 business days before your beamtime, your beamtime may be declared abandoned.

Arriving more than 2 hours late for the start of your beamtime may also cause your beamtime to be declared abandoned. If you are delayed for any reason please contact the LS-CAT staff as soon as possible to avoid having your beamtime declared abandoned.

When your beamtime is declared abandoned, your right to use it is forfeit and LS-CAT may reallocate it. The LS-CAT schedule is all about having the right to use the x-ray beams at a given time, it is not about having the right to waste the beamtime. Users that abandon beamtime may lose the right to use the LS-CAT facilities.