Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team

9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 436A
Argonne, IL 60439
Main Office:    630-252-0222
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Safety at LS-CAT

Our formal safety plan can be found here.

Safety at LS-CAT starts when you plan your experiment, not just when you arrive at the Argonne gate or at the beamline. The basic philosophy is that your work shall not compromise anyone's safety. We have found that this can always be accomplished if we think about what we are doing before we do it and we STOP WORK WHEN THE TASK AT HAND BECOMES MORE INVOLVED THAN PLANNED.

This is formalized in a safety program called "Integrated Safety Management". Here are some resources:

Integrated Safety Management Steps

  1. Plan the scope of your work
  2. Analyze the Hazards
  3. Develop and Implement Hazard Controls
  4. Work Within the Controls
  5. Review the Previous Steps and Make Improvements

The ISM process is implemented at LS-CAT and the APS through the Experimental Safety Assessment Form. In this form you define the scope of your work and help analyze the hazards. LS-CAT and the APS review what you intend to do and work with you to insure we've all understood the hazards and that appropriate hazard controls are in place.

Each of us at LS-CAT is always interested making sure we've done everything possible to make your trip both productive and safe. Please help close the loop in the ISM step 5 and let us know what we can do to improve our mutual safety.