Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team

9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 436A
Argonne, IL 60439
Main Office:    630-252-0222
Help Email:

Please access the remote data collection interface via CILogon by clicking the redirect button below:

Please note the following:

  1. In CILogon, you must select ORCiD as your identity provider to access the remote interface, and your email address must be verified.

  2. Your CILogon account must use the same institutional email address you provided for your Experimental Safety Assessment Form (ESAF).

  3. In ORCiD, the visibility of your email address must be set to "Everyone" or "Trusted", and CILogon must be enabled under "Trusted Parties".

  4. Most Mondays LS-CAT remote services are unavailable for a few hours to perform routine maintenance.