Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team

9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 436A
Argonne, IL 60439
Main Office:    630-252-0222
Help Email:

LS-CAT uses a web based data collection system for both local and remote data collection. Most browsers work (with the exception in Internet Explorer) but require a recent version be installed as we take advtange of features not available in older browsers to provide a reasonable look and feel. Here are some notes regarding the current status of the beamline control software.

IMPORTANT: LS-CAT's plan for APS-U Dark Period Data Collection

Pins, Caps, and Vials

We support 18mm pins (22mm overall length) as described here.

Data Processing Procedures

We support all major data processing packages as described here.

Data Transfer via Globus

Our prefered method of data transfer is globus ftp. Globus support is described here.

Here are some useful files: